Warrior Parents – It is Time to Suit Up!

How to be Valiant Warriors: Leading and Protecting Our Families

Parenting is a battlefield. It has always been a battlefield.  Look what Adam and Eve faced!  Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 6:10-18, we can envision our role as parents as putting on the armor of God. Just like a soldier prepares for battle, we must equip ourselves with truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, and the word of God. By embracing these virtues, we become strong, courageous, and ready to face the challenges that come our way as we lead, protect, and inspire our children.

You are a Leader, so Embrace your Role! –  As parents, we are the primary influencers in our children’s lives. Our actions, words, and attitudes shape their worldview and behavior. To be a good leader, we must lead by example. Children learn more from watching how we live our lives than from what we preach. This calls for some self-evaluation and a commitment to living the values and virtues we wish to see in our children.

This is Bootcamp and You are the Trainer! – Train Your Children in the Ways of the Lord.  There are so many outlets competing for our children’s attention.  We must train and instill in our children strong moral and spiritual values.  Incorporating stories and teachings from the Bible, as well as showing them first hand to be compassionate, to have empathy, and to be understanding.  Deuteronomy 6:6-7 emphasizes the importance of diligently teaching our children about God’s ways.  Regular family prayers, discussions about faith, and involvement in religious communities can reinforce these principles and offer a solid foundation for their lives.

Part of the Armor is a Shield! – Create a Shield of Love and Support. Families must be sanctuaries of love, support, and understanding. When our children know that it is safe to share their thoughts and emotions; and that their family will “have their back”; it arms them with a shield that protects them from seeking that need elsewhere.  Giving of our time and showing a genuine interest in their goals and hobbies strengthens our family bond and further substantiates that that they are an important part of a supportive family, where they are heard and valued.  

A good Leader builds a Team! – Dedicate Time for Family Bonding.  Life seems crazy.  Life gets busy.  Life is hectic.  Do you think that isn’t by design?  The more the enemy can keep us away from family bonding, the weaker our family team becomes!  Don’t fall for it!!  It’s essential to make time for family bonding. Gathering around the dinner table each day for meals creates a wonderful place for conversations and sharing our experiences that day.  Setting aside 1 evening a week to play games, go on hikes, engaging in whatever activities your family enjoys; will build unbreakable bonds.  Playtime makes for strong teams; have fun together!

Persevere! – Being a Warrior parent is challenging. Parenting is undoubtedly one of the most challenging roles we undertake. There will be moments of frustration, exhaustion, and self-doubt. But remember, warriors don’t quit. To overcome these obstacles, lean on your faith, seek support from your partner, friends, or spiritual community, and remember the end goal: raising resilient, compassionate, and virtuous children.

As parents, we must acknowledge the tremendous, and sacred responsibility bestowed upon us. By putting on our “armor of God” and embracing the role of valiant warriors, we can lead, protect, and inspire our families through life’s battles. Let’s commit to being strong leaders, training our children in the ways of the Lord, creating loving and supportive environments, and dedicating time to bond as a family. Though the journey might not be easy, remember that warriors don’t quit. Together, we can raise a generation that shines brightly in a world that desperately needs their light. So, let’s start today and stand firm as unwavering warriors in the battle for our families.  And as always, it starts at Your Table of Grace. 


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